Dzogchen Cycles
Why Dzogchen Cycles?
Dawn Mountain is blessed to hold lineage teachings from Longchen Rabjam, Jigme Lingpa, and their spiritual heirs, including Ad.zom Paylo Rinpoche and the late Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche, our teacher for several decades. Especially destined for our era and conditions, Dzogchen teachings are a further blossoming of the ancient Dzogchen Nyingthig traditions, which we practice in light of wisdom writings by Longchenpa and Jigme Lingpa.

Dzogchen Cycles Administration
There are two ways in which you can participate in our Dzogchen Cycles program. The Full Cycles program includes three retreats, in-between teachings and a peer mentor. Alternatively, you may participate on an a la carte basis, selecting individual retreats (which may range from $800-$600), with no option for in-between support. Either way, we ask that you submit an application here.
Full Dzogchen Cycles Program
We encourage those of you who want to deep your overall practice and understanding of Dzogchen to take our Full Cycles program. Each year is carefully planned so that its retreats support and strengthened each other, and also complement previous years. Your learning is additionally supported because you have access to a mentor, a senior student whom we have trained to help guide you, you are also invited to a peer bi-monthly peer support group, as well as follow-ups to each of our three retreats so as to give you more time to process and received feedback on it. All included in your annual Cycles fee.

Full Dzogchen Cycles Participation Includes:
Three integrated retreats per year: a long retreat in May; Fall weekend retreat in September; Tibetan New Year’s (Losar) weekend retreat February.
Three 90 minutes follow-up, interactive webcasts with Lamas
Peer support zoom meeting every two to three months to discuss their practice and support others.
Access to a Mitra (spiritual friend) who can address questions you have about the practices we are teaching.
Anyone interested in joining Dzogchen Cycles must first apply to the program.
A La Carte Participation
This provides maximum flexibility; some students are attracted to one or more courses from different years. Once you are accepted to Cycles, you may take any course appropriate to your level of experience at that time. There are no other meetings nor a mentor option. Should you wish to join full cycles at some point, you need only write us, you need not reapply.
Please submit an application here. If you are interested in prior retreats, please reach out to us, and we will provide you with a link to register, and after paying the appropriate fee, you can take the class at your discretion (some retreats are limited to those with prior experience).
Past Dzochen Cycles Events
Upon approval of you application, either as a Full Cycles Member or an A La Carté participant, you are eligible to take past Dzogchen Cycles events. Here is a list of the events we have had previously.
Longchenpa’s Seven Trainings
Becoming Guru Rinpoche
Severance Though Offering
Yeshe Tsogyal: Wisdom Dakini Foundations
Secrets of Wisdom
Green Tara Practice Retreat
Yeshe Tsogyal: Accomplishment
Jigme Lingpa Severance: Deep Wisdom
Guru Yoga
Yeshe Tsogyal Practice Retreat
Troma Severance
Troma Practice Retreat