Safe Sangha Report & Code of Conduct

The purpose of this form is to give members and participants in Dawn Mountain programs a way to bring matters of concern to the Safe Sangha Response Team (SSRT). 

These reports are kept in confidence among members of the SSRT, but when appropriate we share reports with the Lamas and the Board. If the person of concern is a Lama or a member of the Board, that person will be recused from discussion. If the person of concern is a member of the SSRT, you may bring the concern directly to a Lama or a member of the Board, or you may contact another member of the SSRT individually, by email or in person.

Please note that giving your name and contact information is optional. We will take anonymous reports, but our ability to respond to such reports will be limited.

A member of the SSRT will contact you as soon as is feasible for further discussion about the incident or concern and what steps might be taken to address it.

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