Dzogchen Cycles Fee Schedule

2023-24 Fee Schedule for Dzogchen Cycles

Dawn Mountain utilizes a tiered pricing system:

Lowest tier–A below-cost option to embrace the desire to contribute by those who may not be able to meet cost. (icon: flowers or heart)

Second tier–Supports the operational costs for your attendance at this event. (icon: a house)

Third tier–Enhances dawn mountain’s sustainability and build towards growth. (icon: Sunset)

Fourth tier–An offering beyond cost makes our operational policy to never turn anyone away due to financial need possible! (icon: prayer hands)

Full Cycles: $1695/$1395/$1095/$795

Monthly Full Cycles: $150/$125/$108/$70

A la Carte May retreat: $900/$750/$600/$450

A la Carte Weekend retreats: $475/$400/$325/$250

*If you are unable to pay the lowest tier, please contact Jerri at

At Dawn Mountain we are cognizant of rising prices everywhere, and we are trying to do our part to help combat these while encouraging equalization in our pricing to leave opportunities to participate in our other programs and fundraisers.

Please note: Membership is required to join Dzogchen Cycles. We have two levels of membership that can be paid on a recurring monthly or annual basis. If you are participating for the first time, we will waive this requirement, but do expect that you will become a member if you would like to continue.

Basic Membership –$240/yr or $20/mo

Full Membership – $480/yr or $40/mo With this level of membership, you will not be charged for participation in our Teaching Tuesday series and you will receive a 20% discount on all non-tiered programming offered at Dawn Mountain.